Billy Markus, co-creator of the iconic cryptocurrency Dogecoin, has taken to social media platform Twitter to share his New Year’s resolutions for 2024 in an unexpected move. Known for his frequent presence on the platform and connections with Elon Musk, Markus outlined a series of resolutions centered around the field of artificial intelligence (AI).
With a following of 2.1 million, Markus’s resolutions hint at a trend of integrating AI into various aspects of personal and professional development. His goals include learning to draw through AI, mastering coding, writing a novel, and even composing a musical.
Markus’s tweet not only provides insight into his personal objectives but also points to the broader impact of AI on various domains of human activity. His resolutions reflect a broader prediction of AI’s potential dominance in the coming year, suggesting that leveraging AI tools for learning and creative endeavors will become a common trend.
The narrative around AI becomes intriguing with Elon Musk, who, despite his initial financial contributions to OpenAI, parted ways with the company due to disagreements. Musk launched his own AI company in 2023 and introduced the Grok AI bot for premium subscribers on his platform, which, unlike ChatGPT, does not shy away from sensitive topics and displays a sense of humor, contrasting Musk’s criticism of ChatGPT as “woke.”
In response to a comment under his tweet, Markus revealed his plans to use AI-based chatbots like ChatGPT to assist in content creation and achieving his set goals. His commitment to fulfilling his 2024 resolutions includes taking advantage of AI capabilities, particularly those of ChatGPT.
In conclusion, Billy Markus’s New Year’s resolutions not only shed light on his personal desires but also signal a broader trend of increasing integration of AI into daily activities. As AI technologies continue to evolve and become more accessible, individuals like Markus are embracing AI’s potential to enhance their skills and sustain creative efforts. The intersection of cryptocurrency pioneers, AI enthusiasts, and technology trends makes 2024 a year to watch for advancements in the AI field.