Billy Markus, famously known by his pseudonym “Shibetoshi Nakamoto” and as a key figure behind the creation of Dogecoin, has recently made a surprising revelation about his Bitcoin (BTC) investment on a social media platform. With a touch of humor, he expressed his intentions to celebrate Bitcoin’s potential milestone price of $100,000 by eating out at a renowned restaurant chain.
Bitcoin Stash Smaller Than Expected
On a day dedicated to love and affection, Markus whimsically tweeted his celebratory plans but raised eyebrows when he disclosed the actual size of his Bitcoin holdings. Contrary to what many might expect from a cryptocurrency luminary, Markus admitted to owning a mere 0.006 BTC, an amount that stood at approximately $311 at the time of the article’s publication.
Despite his pivotal role in Dogecoin’s development and his iconic status within the cryptocurrency community, Markus’s Bitcoin portfolio does not place him among the large-scale investors or “whales,” who typically possess at least a full Bitcoin. Moreover, his openness about his holdings bucks the common investor wisdom of keeping one’s cryptocurrency assets private.
Markus Prefers Modest Crypto Engagement
Markus is recognized for his conservative approach towards cryptocurrency trading and investments. He has expressed reservations about holding significant crypto assets and has shown a preference for Bitcoin over Dogecoin, despite being instrumental in its creation. Additionally, he mentioned that he had previously sold Ethereum at a loss to settle a tax obligation.
Though he played a crucial role in Dogecoin’s inception, Markus has gradually retreated from active involvement in the project, opting instead to offer occasional advice rather than rejoining the Dogecoin Foundation or starting a new cryptocurrency venture.