Phoenix Global Coin (PHB) is a non-mining cryptocurrency that operates on the Neo platform. Owners can convert their coins into Phoenix Fire (PHF) tokens at a 1:1 ratio through a process called “ignition.” This allows them to become stakers and contribute to the platform. Users who contribute to the platform receive a credibility score based on the validity of their contributions and earn PHB tokens.
Users can make payments with PHB tokens to access information about Red Pulse, and researchers can request information about specific market developments through the platform. Those who are knowledgeable about the subject can respond to these requests and earn PHB tokens.
The founder of Red Pulse notes that major players in the Chinese market have not been able to establish dominance in the information market. Due to China’s large and complex markets, rapid movements, and technological advancement, there is an abundance of news and information coming from the market.
Red Pulse aims to solve this information overload and proposes a “sharing economy for research,” with a specific focus on the Chinese economy and capital markets. Industry experts, researchers, and market analysts can contribute their insights and information to the platform. Information is generated through a combination of machine learning algorithms, natural language processors, and human analysts.
Investors are showing interest in Phoenix Global (PHB) cryptocurrency, but they are approaching it cautiously due to the lack of high volatility and price movements seen in the early days of the market. According to CoinMarketCap data, PHB Coin is ranked 548th in terms of market value and is currently trading at $0.0026. The circulating supply of PHB Coin is stated to be 3,404,398,939.