Storj (STORJ) Coin is a secure and distributed cloud storage system that allows users to access a completely decentralized environment without any security risks. Through its blockchain-based system, users’ files are protected from attacks through end-to-end encryption. Additionally, significant improvements in download and upload speeds are observed.
STORJ Coin is a cryptocurrency that enables coordination among different parties and individuals on the network. With this cryptocurrency, scalable and secure transfers can be made. Thanks to blockchain technology, STORJ Coin transfers are secure, immutable, and verifiable.
STORJ is ranked as the 123rd largest cryptocurrency in terms of total market value. With a volume of 7.5 million dollars in the last 24 hours, STORJ proves the active usage of the platform. Storj Coin has a total supply of 424 million and currently has 215 million coins in circulation. The highest value reached by STORJ Coin is $2, while the current price is $0.34.
How to buy STORJ Coin? The most popular platform that offers liquidity and security for users in this regard is Binance. It is possible to buy STORJ Coin on Binance by depositing USD balance or purchasing another cryptocurrency that can be used in its place.
To buy STORJ Coin, first go to the Binance homepage and click on the “Buy Crypto” option, then select the “Credit/Debit Card” tab. After determining your USD amount, buy BUSD. Go back to the “Trade” option and click on the “Classic” tab. In the opened section, select the BUSD tab from the top right and search for STORJ, then select the STORJ/BUSD pair that appears below. Go to the “Buy STORJ” tab in the middle section, enter the desired amount, and confirm the transaction to complete the purchase of STORJ Coin.