Telegram has announced a new venture, the Telegram Gaming Accelerator, in partnership with Helika Gaming. This initiative aims to tap into the booming interest in blockchain-based mini applications to enrich the gaming experiences available on the platform. Following the success of games like Hamster Kombat, which attracted 200 million players since its March launch, this program is expected to further enhance the platform’s gaming ecosystem.
Why Is Telegram Expanding Its Accelerator Program?
The Notcoin team’s recent social media announcement highlights the growing importance of Telegram’s extensive user base for mini applications. In response, Telegram plans to broaden its accelerator program for game developers with the assistance of Helika Gaming. This strategic move is designed to foster innovation and growth among developers interested in integrating game applications into Telegram.
The collaboration is buoyed by a substantial $50 million fund from Helika Accelerate, aimed at supporting game studios, independent developers, and mobile app developers. By leveraging the Ton blockchain network, the partnership seeks to create a more engaging and innovative gaming experience on Telegram. This initiative represents a significant step in Telegram’s strategy to diversify its game offerings and attract a wider audience through incentive-based game development.
When Will the Program Launch?
The first batch of applications for the Telegram Gaming Accelerator program will be accepted starting next week. Earlier this year, the popular clicker game Notcoin set an impressive record by reaching over 20 million users in less than a month. Sasha Plotvinov, founder of Open Builders, confirmed in April that any issues within the game had been resolved, streamlining the participation process and encouraging users to embrace Web3 innovations.
Key Takeaways for Developers
- Developers can access a $50 million fund to support game and app development.
- Integration with the Ton blockchain network offers advanced features for game development.
- Successful games on Telegram can tap into a vast user base, as evidenced by past successes like Hamster Kombat and Notcoin.
- The accelerator program provides resources and support for both independent and established game developers.
In conclusion, Telegram’s new initiative with Helika Gaming aims to boost the platform’s gaming ecosystem by supporting innovative game development through substantial funding and strategic partnerships. This move is set to attract more developers and enhance the gaming experience for Telegram users globally.