Time New Bank Coin (TNB) is an asset valuation and investment project built on Ethereum. TNB, an ERC-20 based cryptocurrency, facilitates the valuation of individual and institutional assets.
TNB operates on a system based on smart contracts, allowing investors to securely receive investment returns through smart contracts without a third party. The project functions as a type of deposit system and is also known as an international personal public offering platform.
By allowing companies to go public through TNB, individual investors can securely evaluate their investments within the smart contracts on the blockchain. TNB is introduced as a time-focused cryptocurrency project, aiming to digitize time assets and transfer their value through tokens.
A user can convert a talent or skill spent on a network into TNB Coin as payment.
As of the writing of this article, TNB Coin is ranked 649th and has been almost inactive since its launch in 2017. Looking at its graph on Binance, even its volume is very low in BTC pairs. The total supply of TNB Coin is 4,415,707,418, with only 3,634,727,418 TNB in circulation.
Binance is the preferred platform for purchasing TNB Coin. You can buy TNB Coin on Binance by depositing a dollar balance or purchasing a cryptocurrency that can be used in exchange. To buy the desired amount of TNB Coin, select the TNB/BTC pair on Binance and confirm the transaction to complete the purchase process.